Monday, 7 December 2015

Initial Pitch Of CD/Magazine Advert

This is the pitch that i am going to present to my target audience. It has the house style that me and group decided on even though we have different ideas when making a cd/magazine advert for our artist.

My Partners Idea - CD/Magazine Pitch

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Magazine Advert 3 - Case Study.

RED TAGS - Preview of song, album cover and album back examples.
BLUE TAGS - Annotations of the magazine advert and how it may link to my ideas.
GREEN TAGS - Some issues with the magazine advert, which i would try to avoid when doing mine.

Magazine Advert 2 - Case Study.

RED TAGS - Preview of song, album cover and album Back examples.
BLUE TAGS - Annotations of the magazine advert and how it may link to my ideas.
GREEN TAGS - Some issues with the magazine advert, which i would try to avoid when doing mine.

Magazine Advert 1 - Case Study.

RED TAGS - Preview of song, album cover and album Back examples.
BLUE TAGS - Annotations of the magazine advert and how it may link to my ideas.

CD Research

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Planning Pitch