Friday, 27 November 2015

27/11/15 - Officially Finished Music Video

The shots with the white background cannot be changed so that it doesn't look to exposed so we would have to evaluate this as a problem when we actually evaluate our music video as it cannot be changed.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Making Amendments After Feedback

After getting feedback me and my group made a few changes to our video such as: - making sure it was fully in sync - Cutting out the begining of the video which wasn't needed. This made sure that our video started where we wanted it to start when we export it and our intro wasn't too long for bits that didn't have footage. - Changes to the colour of the shots with the white background so that it doesn't look over exposed. If this cannot be changed this would just have to be a problem that we can evaluate in our evaluation of the music video. - We might take out some transitions in the video so that it isn't a distraction to some.

Rough Cut Screening feedback

Monday, 23 November 2015

Rough Cut Screening

This is when we showed our music video to the whole class at the state that it is in to gain audience feedback on our video. This would allow us to amend our video based on their thoughts as majority of the audience was our main target audience and give us an initial idea on what our audience thought of our music video. The audience feedback was recorded so we can go back and check on what they said and what needs changing.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Technical Problems

In the process of doing our title scene Final Cut Pro randomly shut. This resulted to us losing the work that we have just done to our title scene. Final cut pro done this before during our previous lesson.

Title Scene In Process

We was experimenting with different fonts beforehand so that we knew what font we wanted to use for our title scene, once decided we started doing our title scene on Final Cut pro by creating a slug and adding text to the slug. The Font we used was called: Courier New.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Editing Day 5


Me and My Group Booked The Editing Suite For 11:40, 10Minutes In One Of Our Teachers Come In With A BTEC Class To Review their Finished Music Video During Our Time. This was a problem because it stopped us from editing as a group in the class had their work saved on the computer we was using. This Links To The fact that the booking system doesnt allow students to find the time available.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Editing Booking Form

This is the new system to book equipment and the editing room. Me and Kedeidra booked our time for the editing suite. The only problem with this new system is that it does not allow students to see when the time they want is free. This can lead to double booking and not letting groups books for the time they want due to students not seeing the times available.

Reviewing Footage

Last Day Filming

Saturday, 7 November 2015


Due to our last technical difficulty, we booked the equipment to use over the weekend. However the part that required the camera to sit on the tripod was not there. This is the second time something technical has prevented us from finishing our music video. 

Friday, 6 November 2015

Technical Difficulties

When Recoding Yesterday, Our Camera Battery Died. We Managed To Catch The Technicians Before They Left The College Grounds So we Can Change the Batteries. However, Cause they was in a rush they just changed the batteries without checking if the battery was full. Not long after our camera batter died again. This prevented us from finishing recording due to the fact the technicians have already went home and we had noone to change the batteries for is. This is essentially slowing us down as we couldn't go to record in the locations that we planned tp do yesterday. We have now booked the camera to use over the weekend to finish recording with a new battery and the charger for the camera yo prevent this from happening again.

Editing Day 4

Editing Day 3

Filiming Day 3

Monday, 2 November 2015

Things To Do This Week - Final Week.

This is a list of the things me and Kedeidra need to do or change in order for us to finish our music video. As this is our last week of filming.